March 20th

All Things ALL-IN:

What are we thankful for this week? A great number of good hearts that continue to power the circle of giving in ALL kinds of ways...

The 100+ volunteers recognized below for assistance in a one-week period – many of these individuals contribute chunks of time, valued donations of food, other essentials and/or monetary contributions regularly. ALL are appreciated!

English Ales Pub regulars who are on vacation this week, and doubled (tripled, quadrupled?) last week’s donations to tide us by in their absence … and included a very generous gift for us to share with warming shelters!!! This thoughtfulness warms our hearts!

The organizations and people that assist every week and do not wish us to share their names...

The new volunteers who signed on to assist with ALL-IN weekly deliveries to the homebound and those without transportation. Fair warning: lifelong friendships may develop!

Additional new volunteers who signed up for the ALL-IN Kindness Closet, which most often involves. 15k+ steps on a Saturday shift, lifting of baskets up to 25 pounds (we bill it as a free exercise/inter-personal skills program), and communication in the common language of kindness!

ALL-IN’s one-year anniversary! More to come on how you can help us celebrate!! ALL-IN is a great place to be because of its direct and immediate impact on the community. Many ways to participate!





March 8th