April 18th

All Things ALL-IN:

ALL-IN speaks many languages of neighborly love: kindness, support and immediate help in responding to the extraordinary. And the last few weeks have seen just that … extra-ordinary kindness shared on two fronts: mobile vaccination clinics (please read to end) and fire relief.

ALL-IN family coordinators are extending a bridge of human kindness to families devastated by the April 2 fire on Harvest Street in Salinas.

One of the mothers describes their escape from the second story of the burning building: “My son opened his window and was yelling, ‘Help us!’ … His sister and I helped him jump. Thank God there was a truck parked outside and that is where he landed. After that, I helped my daughter jump and then I passed them my baby and one of the neighbors took her. Since that day we have not been at peace. We have nightmares and can’t fall asleep. We are afraid and lost everything: documents, clothes, shoes and a roof over our heads.”

More than two weeks after the fires, these families understandably continue to feel traumatized and overwhelmed.

Sadly, some of them also feel like faceless numbers on a waiting list. That is something that ALL-IN is working to change.

Five ALL-IN family coordinators have made direct connections to provide immediate support: to be a newfound friend who will listen ... a friend with an open heart to help. They start with a welcoming smile, kind words and learning what the family needs.

They move from there to sharing food, toiletries, clothing and some fun things for the kiddos. Family coordinators shop through the ALL-IN Giving Market and the Kindness Closet. They often also team up with their own family or friends to provide other items.

The response from an initial delivery is profound: “You give us hope and strength to continue,” said one of the mothers of a displaced family. “I can’t thank you enough.”

Her words are not a measure of how MUCH we gave. They are testament to the POWER of of ALL-IN human KINDNESS.

As the families find housing, ALL-IN will continue that bridge of kindness to share necessities and niceties with these neighbors: our new friends.

Another need ALL-IN has pivoted to meet is mobile vaccination clinics. From Bayonet & Blackhorse Golf Course, to high schools to churches to shelters, congregate housing, home visits and more: ALL-IN has organized and Central Avenue Pharmacy has vaccinated hundreds and hundreds of people since April 5.

The ongoing goal is to bring the mobile clinics to places people are comfortable visiting. It is clear there is a tremendous need. A strong partnership and a lot of coordinative support make it happen.

ALL-IN is grateful for ALL who have helped. We appreciate the patience of those who have waited. We appreciate the grace that neighbors show neighbors and that parents extend to other parents.

120 vaccinations were guaranteed at a recent high school clinic, with the hope there might be as many as 140. In reality, there ended up being 139. With numbers passed out, those parents with tags numbered 121 to 160 waited with the hope something would work out.

As the hours passed, some stepped away, deciding not to wait.

One father and his son who had a number in the 140s (a long-shot) remained waiting. The father with his son chose to stay “no matter what,” says ALL-IN admin Carmen Ferguson who was helping staff the clinic that day.

A mother of a fellow student who had the final guaranteed number (120) to receive a vaccination for her student graciously gifted this slot to the waiting father and son.

The mother’s kindness was rewarded with the kismet of receiving one of the few “maybe” shots, numbered 121 through 139. And for reminding us that we can ALL help each other with a little kindness and a lot of grace.

Thank you #120! And thank you for the persevering papa whose patience paid off. It remains a weird and crazy world these days. Yet it is one that is made better by ALL-IN!

From our youngest cheerleaders who draw hearts in the sand to remind us why we are ALL-IN, to the boots on the ground folk giving their time, to those that contribute quietly:

We hear and see you. We appreciate your generosity. It makes an ALL-IN wonderful world of difference. Thank you.



April 25th


April 8th